United States

August 10, 2018


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The deforestation assumed gigantic ratios and the planet was threatened. The world until century XIX was dangerous for all and grew the armament race of the rich countries, already if preventing of one feared third war. The progress brought obtains not foreseen consequences previously and the nature immensely was sacrificed. After four social centuries of economic changes, politics and, the world of the predominantly rational men fragiliza in the certezas, and knowing is broken up. Of new we go to appeal to the Discardings in its ' ' Meditations ' ' , when it says: ' ' Easy methods do not exist to decide problems difceis' '.

It is accurately in this social context that we will focaremos our interest in the discoveries most essential in the field of medical sciences, therefore is our intention to follow them to understand the current challenges of the Biotica. Sprouting of the Biotica: The Biotica appears in years 70 in the United States, with ample concerns in way of if perceiving and facing the world, the life and the life, the death and dying. Biotica means of simpler form the ethics of the life, and for Potter, American oncologista that defined thus it in the decade of 70, the biotica is a great concern with the interaction of the ambient problem to the questions of the health, the life and the life. In the year of 1971 Kennedy Institute in U.S.A., practically reduced its performance to the biomedical and individual field for the difficult questions related to the life and dying in the general hospitals. He started to be reason of great reflections regarding the use of medical technology in the patient terminals, and received in two decades many critical ones for the practical reducionismo. In 1988, professor Warren Reich incorporates the proposal of the Biotica the boarding to interdisciplinar, pluralista and systematics, including problems of environment and others. .